#️⃣ StarringAnnaMayWong
What if Anna May Wong hadn’t been limited by Hollywood’s racism and was instead cast in some of the most memorable leading lady roles in film history?
This AI art project seeks to reimagine Anna May Wong in films she never appeared in—but could have—had producers and the censors been more enlightened. And since this is an exercise in wish fulfillment, we’ve re-envisioned Anna May in some fan favorites and recent blockbusters, too.
Here’s how to receive one of these nifty #StarringAnnaMayWong postcards in the mail:
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Breakfast at Tiffany's #StarringAnnaMayWong

Mad Max: Fury Road #StarringAnnaMayWong

Everything Everywhere All At Once #StarringAnnaMayWong

The Good Earth #StarringAnnaMayWong

Barbie #StarringAnnaMayWong

The Birds #StarringAnnaMayWong

Star Wars: A New Hope #StarringAnnaMayWong

Casablanca #StarringAnnaMayWong

Marie Antoinette #StarringAnnaMayWong

The Royal Tenenbaums #StarringAnnaMayWong

In the Mood for Love #StarringAnnaMayWong

Wonder Woman #StarringAnnaMayWong

Pulp Fiction #StarringAnnaMayWong

Titanic #StarringAnnaMayWong

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace #StarringAnnaMayWong

Kill Bill #StarringAnnaMayWong